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Alberta’s Bad News Bear Accidentally Tweets Good News

A near plethora a of bad news was oozing from the Postmedia network this week.  The “job killing minimum wage increase” displayed decreasing job numbers that were similar to those in Saskatoon, Regina and Winnipeg where minimum wage is not increasing (but not Ontario where minimum wage increased).

That the NDP’s changes to Elections Alberta nomination rules allows opposition research before the party that has raised almost $1.5 million so far this year has time to research their own nomination candidates “was done to make it harder on the opposition parties” caused complaints from UCP Deputy whip Jason Nixon (without acknowledging the NDP nomination candidate for Banff-Kananaskis, former Wildrose but current UCP cheerleader, Cory Morgan).

Jason Nixon, Deputy Whip, UCP @JasonNixonAB/Twitter

Alberta’s Bad News Bear chose to also share some other interesting numbers.  Brace yourselves.  Disposable income has increased in Canada by 12%!!

Whoops, that’s not what the post about.  Taxes have increased 9% over the last 56 years!!  That’s right.  NINE PERCENT.  And there’s even a video, narrated by the man who must have been the runner up to the impressively awful NRATV’s voice of doom and gloom. (Seriously, give it a listen).

Perhaps the Premier in Waiting was so mesmerized by the voice of misfortune and impending calamity that he didn’t hear what it said.  I’m no mathematician… but paying 57% of your income on necessities is more than paying 36% (look away!!).  I digress. Taxes are now 9% higher than they were in 1961.  NINE PERCENT! In a measly 56 YEARS!  And what have we got to show for it??  Universal healthcare AND a pension plan?  Is that really worth a 9% increase?

Mr. Vic McConought, the hardest working MLA to never get into the Alberta Legislature, wrote a fantastic piece about how the price of everything hasn’t risen nearly enough since the good ol’ days.   His prices are from 1965 but I’m sure things were just as good in 1961 before universal healthcare and the Canadian Pension Plan.  Except that Canadians paid 21% more of their income on necessities, of course, but ignore that. NINE PERCENT TAX INCREASE! A 0.00160714 % increase PER YEAR!

Although I am certain that Kenney did not mean to be a bearer of good news, and it would be a rare occasion indeed if he wasn’t trying to scare the begeebus out of Alberta Conservatives, think of the tax increase.  NINE PERCENT in 56 years.  Ignore the possibility (it is from the Fraser Institute after all) that Canadians have 12% more spending capacity.  I’m sure you’re all thinking the same thing: the damage cannot be undone soon enough.

This post contains fact, opinion and the best satire, which is based on fact.  Supporting documentation and Vic McConought’s twitter handle below.

Deirdre Mitchell-MacLean
Content Director/Writer, @Mitchell_AB on Twitter


@VicForAlberta on Twitter



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