Category: Canadian Politics

Fight for the Centre

In the past week some Alberta Liberal Party members were able to vote for their choice of Liberal Party leader.  I say “some” because there were a number of disqualified voters. In the end, 77% of registered party members (Almost 1700) voted.  It was probably a tough choice. […]

UCP: A Golden Opportunity

The backroom deal-making that wasn’t supposed to happen with a Wildrose PC merger seems to be exactly what was needed to bring the parties into agreement.  Kenney had been persona non grata after the Gay-Straight Alliance media backlash in March but resurfaced in BC stumping for the Liberal party in April. […]

PCAA: Photo Radar?

After three long weeks of local, national and even international speculation over Jason Kenney’s comments about notifying parents should their children join GSAs, he has reemerged as only an unelected provincial representative can; on social media.  Tuesday, Jason Kenney released a video weighing in on the all-encompassing topic of photo […]

Wildrose: Whose Side are they Really On?

On March 29, 2017, someone from Whitecap Resources in Calgary provided a letter they’d received from Brad Wall to the Canadian Press.  That letter was an advertisement of what benefits would be awaiting Whitecap Resources should they decide to pack up their Calgary operations and relocate to Saskatchewan.  While some […]

Go In Peace, PC Party

We are officially less than 12 hours away from the launch of the PC Leadership Convention and excitement is in the air!  To be clear, there’s no sense of anticipation regarding the actual leadership vote as there’s very little probability that Jason Kenney will not win.  If he’s […]